FM Talent is uniquely positioned to place business professionals within top Corporate and Non-Profit organizations as well as Federal, State, and Local Government Agencies. Our goal is to provide career-enhancing opportunities, stimulating and exciting work projects, and access to top employers.

FM Talent’s network of clients gives our employees access to organizations where their skillsets bring added value and exposure to new industry trends and technology. This is the FM Talent advantage, and it allows our professionals to grow and further develop their careers.

FM Talent’s total compensation plan is competitive and designed to attract and retain the best talent. We offer plan choices with network providers across the nation and cover 100% employee cost for medical, dental, and vision plans.*


FM Talent relentlessly pursues and incentivizes best-in-class employees, like you! Please take five short minutes and share your anonymous responses to help us continue to improve our recruitment process and enhance our benefits.