Building a better world, one random act at a time.

Random Acts of Kindness

FM Talent is proud of its commitment to working to make the world a better place, encourage employees to participate in local community events and charitable work. For over 20 years, we’ve worked together with our clients and people in the community to make a positive difference. 

We’re extending that commitment further with our Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) program, encouraging our team to go out and become even more active, touching peoples’ lives in memorable and meaningful ways. All we ask is for you to share your act of kindness with us—use the link below to send us an email, including a photo, story, or both—and let us know what you did! 

Consider implementing a Random Acts of Kindness program in your department, with your team, or just among you and your family.  A Random Act of Kindness can be anything, sometimes not costing a single penny, that has a positive impact on the lives of those around you. We ask you to keep your eyes open and, when the opportunity presents itself, to act! Each of us can make a difference in what may seem like small ways, but we believe the greatest good is built from many small and thoughtful actions. 

If you’re struggling to come up with ideas for your Random Act of Kindness, we’ve got some suggestions to help you get started: 

  • Share a meal with a homeless person 

  • Assemble a care package for the homeless or military 

  • Leave quarters at the laundromat 

  • Offer to pick up the bill for someone at the store who’s trying to pay in change 

  • Spend time and offer to help an elderly or disabled person 

  • Bring cold drinks to police, security, or workers outside on a hot day 

  • Pick up back-to-school supplies for a family in need 

  • Leave a dollar as a bookmark in a library book 

  • Pay for extra time on a parking meter in a busy neighborhood 

  • Send a thank you card to someone who did something nice for you 

  • Donate canned goods to a local food pantry 

  • Take extra time to help a struggling neighbor mow the lawn or rake leaves

Feel free to join FM Talent in helping your community. Our Random Acts of Kindness blog will launch during the summer of 2024, where we’ll share the stories of our team and others making a positive difference in their community.

What’s Your Random Act of Kindness? 

We’d love to hear your story. Click the button below and send us your Random Act of Kindness so we can share it with the world!