Regular Random Acts of Kindess

Crocus on mulch

I received the $20 in the mail to use towards a Random Act of Kindness.  The idea is not a unique one and had me thinking.  I know I do random acts of kindness just about every day. I gave the $20 to my nephew towards the repair of his game machine, but I’ve performed other Acts of Kindness recently as well.

  • When I’m at the park with the gran I will buy ice cream for the children he is playing with and have become buddies with.

  • I will give the change in my purse to the homeless (or needy).

  • If I use my niece’s car I’ll gas it up before returning it to her.

  • I have an elderly neighbor who is unable to afford a gardener to maintain her front yard.  I have created a low maintenance yard for her by using mulch, so she doesn’t have to worry about cutting grass.  I also maintain the front by keeping it clean and weed free.

Donna Kelly

Photo by Josie Weiss on Unsplash


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