Lending a Helping Hand to a Former Classmate

Lending a hand

I received a message a few days ago from a former high school classmate in Nigeria. He reached out for financial assistance and asked if I knew anyone who I could refer him to for a job as he lost his civil engineering job three months ago.

Given the current global economic challenges, especially in developing countries, I immediately thought of the Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) initiative. I had been considering how to use the funds meaningfully, and this seemed like the perfect opportunity. I decided to contribute the RAK proceeds, along with my own funds, to help him. This experience has inspired me to give more and find additional ways to positively impact others' lives.

Thank you FM Talent for inspiring others to make a difference. 

Olubukola Tifase
Proposal Development Manager
FM Talent Source

Photo by Nsey Benajah on Unsplash


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Ebenezer Baptist Church Social Justice Ministry